About La Casemate
Located in the heart of French Alps, La Casemate is Grenoble’s science centre which is funded in 1979 by scientists, research laboratories, universities of Grenoble and local public authorities. The main mission of La Casemate is to promote knowledge sharing and to spread scientific culture to a wide audience.
Our tools ? exhibitions, workshops, a Fab Lab & digital projects!
What to do at La Casemate ?
1. Visiting
- Exhibitions for children from 3 to 7 y-o
This area is dedicated to interactive exhibitions, workshops for no-reading children. Each exhibition aims to let children discover their daily environment through different themes as their 5 senses, the sky, colors, etc.
- Exhibitions for children from 3 to 7 y-o
- Exhibitions for families
La Casemate curates different exhibitions about the climate, digital, video games & all topics between science & society geared toward families and children from 10 years old.
- Exhibitions for families
- Workshops
For children between 3 and 7 y-o, La Casemate set-up learn and make sessions in connection with thematics of exhibitions : cooking, creating a gingerbread house, hacking daily objects, etc. For children from 10 y-o and up. We program wokshops in connection with the themes of exhibition and most of time with the fab lab of La Casemate.
- Workshops
- Fab Lab
La Casemate opened its Fab Lab in 2012. 3D print, laser and vinyl cutting to imagine. Machines are available to create and share all that the audience imagine. We organise workshops around the Fab Lab like « How to use the Fab Lab? », « Customising your T-shirts », « How to make use of the Arduino technology », etc.
- Fab Lab
- Echosciences Grenoble / a social network for Grenoble area
More than just a website, Echosciences Grenoble is a local social network which lets the users discover all actors of scientific & innovation culture, news, an event calendar, crowdfunding in Grenoble area, etc.
>>> Go to wwww.echoscience-grenoble.fr
- Echosciences Grenoble / a social network for Grenoble area
4. Participating
La Casemate publicates some calls for participation as Grenoble Mini Maker Faire, The Challenge of the drones, workshops to design new exhibitions, etc. Each citizen can contribute to create and take part in the main issues of society and scientifics themes.